Personal Profile
From a young age, I’ve always had a sense of motivation and passion driving me forward. Whether it’s exploring unique opportunities, learning additional skills, or meeting new people, I bring these values to every experience throughout my life on a personal and professional level. To learn more about me, keep exploring my site or reach out directly.

Background & Expertise
I have just completed 4 years employment at Verastar as a Broadband Provisioning Officer and I am looking for employment in the IT Industry where I have lots of experience as a Project Manager / Business Analyst / Programmer or alternatively looking for a simple but satisfying job that will provide me with modest income. At Verastar I was able to extend my programming skills and have been looking at Javascript / MVC and SQL Server.
My objective and personal development at Verastar were focused on programming development. In 2015 I wrote a report to my Senior Manager expressing my concern about the dynamics of the team and risk should we lose key individuals. I expressed concern about the nature of the job and the need to develop OIS Expert Systems to support the administrators. I looked at the training requirements for the job and developed an InfoNet called Minerva with a placeholder for all the learning that was required for the job. Rolling on I did not allow the subject to drop and expanded my IT skills. Learning Javascript I created a decision tree called Signatures and an associated Instruction Set called Pathway to automate the provisioning process and remove the chance of errors being made.
Eventually the company did look to automating my job and implemented Zing Tree.
I have decided to further extend my IT skills and develop a recruitment site using Google Cloud Computing for my database.
I like to work in the voluntary sector.I have done really well - In my voluntary work I have commenced a Software House to operate out of Hitec Computers In Cheadle and I am using my Teacher Training to establish a training college for potential Associate Consultants.
I have used my time well at Verastar to learn their systems and learn from how they do their application development and I can say that the procedures which I have adopted over 40 years in the trade are as relevant and worthy now as when we first invented methodologies some 40 years ago.
My learning in MVC is progressing and I believe that I can now conduct applications modelling.
It is honest of me saying that for the last 4 years I have been involved in IT development at Verastar, Implementing project management systems in the form of Protopage and developing prototype solutions in the form of Signatures and Pathway.
In addition I have taken it on board to learn some MVC and SQL Server and will now go about writing Package Products for Red Octopus Business Services Limited.
It is my Ambition to employ Associate Consultants in a similar position to myself willing to volunteer their services to a Tiger Team and produce packages and Apps that will generate income for the group.
As a taster for my personal history here is one little story that I fondly remember.
I have many high spots in the IT Industry.
To hear my stories you will have to join one of my teams or buy my book.
But for this section I will record one moment in time.
I was based in Manchester looking after the load at the Manchester Data Centre, This involved covering Darlington and Leeds.
I was informed that the Manchester data centre was closing and would I like to work in Birmingham training ICL staff In IBM ways. I accepted,
Birmingham went well and I gelled with the management team. I was asked if I would like to joint them on A Courtaulds FM Deal I accepted and was given the task of covering operations. All went well bar the last day - programming had missed a key data transfer task. At the morning meeting we had a system where people volunteered for Red Tasks this was my opportunity I said - Give me programming now and your best man and I will have a system running by the afternoon. Looking shocked the main man accepted my offer.
Away we went - Pull the B.A.C.S. Green Data Centre Manuals - you should have them and we will clone the procedures, I will define the record types and get them over to Courtaulds.
The job took 1/2 day to build and ran first time.
I gained attention that day.
The following week in addition to my Courtaulds work I was requested to set up a team of 12 Graduates for an Olas Reporting System at Powergen and before that was completed i was asked to be the first man in the The TimeGate Computer Services Contract to lay the ground for the Principle Analysts.
At Timegate I was asked to lead the sales force on a new contract - we had released the sales force and it was left to me to promote our products.
Still busy the Manchester Data Centre announced its closure which meant I was redundant,
Birmingham offered me a get out the new Dairy Crest load had seen my CV and wanted me to manage their System 36 System _ I saw this as a cross over opportunity to manage mid range systems so I accepted.
But Peterborough Software stepped in as they wanted a Project Manager to scope the Royal Mail Parcel Force Project - I accepted to do this freelance. RMPF accepted my plans offering me a position on the build - I looked to the system and submitted a revised proposal that they should drop their front end development and go with the TP solution at the central hub. They accepted this and offered me an extended contract. Sadly I had to turn down the Dairy Crest project and took my redundancy payment. A career decision that I long regret. But it was a decision driven by having a young family. Working 6am t0 8pm did little for family life plus travelling at 100 mile an hour on your dictaphone has its moments!
In The Year 2000 i had completed the Year 2k Project at Sodexo - It had taken me 2 years as the project leader and I was shot out. I never wanted to see a mainframe program ever again.
But my future was decided for me - II was now a Senior Designer without portlolio on a project that had been announced would no longer be developed and that 50% of the current team had to go.
One would have thought that I would have been prime candidate to be trained up to SAP. But trueth be told i had little respect for my line manger and he had no control over me - I was my own man and had the skills and position to demand my own ways
I decided to cross train myself with the support from the PC Division. I estalished a bootcamp in Rusholme. and attended intense training over a period of 6 month. To the point where I could develop and host my own ASP.NET / Sql Server applications.
I topped this off with a City and Guilds C Progamming Course and a part complete Open University Level 2 Java Programming Course.
The open university level 2 course was interesting - I obtained all the learning material - loaded the IDE and commenced the exercises. Happy that was consistent with the C that I new I felt confident to complete the course. I went to the first seminar with the ambition to recruit 6 coders and to form a tiger team to develop packed products.
This was not to be - I was the only one there - I made one huge complaint and we went through the whole course agreeing I had all the skills required to complete the project. At home I wrote to The Open University who refunded my payment in terms or course credited - from which I commenced my Openings Course in Health and Sociology - I had already done Management as an evaluation of my learning capacity.
Red Octopus is now my passion - working in the voluntary sector I will establish a college and a team of Associate Consultants to build Package Products.
What I’ve Learned
Top boy in class - decided that I wanted to go to a Grammar School. Rest of class went to Spurley Hey Secondary Modern nex door.
Top Stream for all subjects, School Chess Captain from the first year, National Competition for Mathematics candidate during lower 6th. Favourite subject Physics.
Decided on career path during lower 6th and agreed pathway to employment with Barclays Bank.
After diiscussion with parents decided University was not my best option and went to France after my exams.
Commenced work, part time after school and at weekends eventually running my own venture utilising school mates in the demolition industry.
Never made it to Barclays Bank - Was head hunted in C&A Manchester being offered a position as a Management Trainee by John Pickup - Trining Manager at Ingersoll Rand.
In addition to the many courses that I was placed on I gained much valued commercial experience.
I part competed a HND in Business Studies which I had to give up as a condition of joining the IT Department and to move onto their personal Development Plan,
Hoskyns courses in Operation Management, NCC Business Systems Analysis, BIS Systems Analysis and Practical Systems Design,
Xerox a Marketing Experience,
Peterborough Software Unipay,
Peterborogh Solware Unipay TP,
Peterborough Software UnISSP.
At Ingersoll Rand I conducted hundreds of hours training in their VAI lab and was a favourite of the company psychologist Tom Shaw who presented me with my own personal copy of all his hand written courses which I still have to this day.
Training has been a life long passion of mine - it is something that I Promote and am active in.
Project Management,
Olas Report Writing
TMI Time Management
Agile Project Management and Control
City and Guilds in C programming.
Computer Networking - An Introduction.
Web Page Design - An Introduction
Agile Project Management
HTML,CSS,Bootstrap,Javascript,Jquery,ASP.Net,SQL Server, c#,PHP/MySQL,Google Cloud Computing, Protopage,Wix,Wordpress,Prezi,Powtoon
Red Camel Systems
Foundation Consultancy
Out Sourcing

What I Do
I am a master of the super project where I have the freedom to manage many team and many tasks. I look for synergies and characters and get a feel for where ambition lies and where i can get a job done. If you want a job done on time - give it a busy many. Training, training, training is the key, allow your team to expand at there own rate - if they are high flyers let them fly - fuel their ambition - and reward, reward reward.

Many years ago I was working as a mainframe senior systems analyst for a company when the finance director suggested to me that we should set up a Sales Company Limited and that I should look into it. My conclusion to George was that it was feasible that there were a number of things to consider. The creation and conversion of systems, the redundancy of employees and print. I said that the controlling factor would be the lead time in giving notification of redundancy and that the cost would be in print serves. The case was sold to George when i said that the design of the new company payslip could be done in a two pass colour print rather than three and still give us the corporate identity that we have an the added bonus of a Manchester City blue as a background colour.
Being an analyst for Foundation Consulting is not all about creating application programs.

When creating the brand Red Octopus I said to myself we can mirror the organisation on that of Peterborough Software - where they employed specialist Associate Consultants to deliver their product.
I have decided in the development process there are layers of activities that require different skills - in the early phases we need strong analytical skills but when it comes to system build time we need strong technical skills. Testing and implementation needs administration and negotiating skills and support we are back to technical skills.
Creating a Brand allows you to control the build involving the different skills sets and utilising outsourcing where demand and scale dictates.
Selecting Red Octopus as your brand of choice is a good move.
Contact me directly to learn more specifics about my skill set.

"The best way to predict the future is to create it"