Schools UK
It has been 5 years since I started Schools UK for my Son and his friend Tom Davies - the intention being to get them interested in...

Bootstrap Training
I have now created some Bootstrap Code Samples at

Minor League / Major League
Minor League / Major League. What I have attempted to show you to date is a significant part of the development cycle. It is all geared...

Xtreme Development
This will be my last Blog for some time as I have given you all the tips that you need to get started in programming. I will now focus on...

Code Academy
I have not tried this Code Academy site - but I know a man who is. There are other learning places too that i will be pointing you at.

Big Data
Have started to look at XML Big Data. You can monitor progress at ........ There will be a case study and code samples...

Harvard - CS50
So your goal is to gain a qualification in Computer Science. Here is an option for you to study with one of the best universities in the...

Hello World!
Hello World ! is traditionally an indicator to show that this is the first time that you are attempting a new skill. There will be plenty...

Quo Vadis
So where are we going..... We have got so many paths to follow and so much to achieve - tonight we will simply describe the...

InfoLab and InfoNet
You only need one bit of code to really get stated. That is the code that links pages together. here is an example : <a...