Schools UK
It has been 5 years since I started Schools UK for my Son and his friend Tom Davies - the intention being to get them interested in Information Technology and to work on The Golf Channel together.
Sadly Adam died and has left me with my Golf Hub project - Magna Carta
In starting this project with Berkshire I discovered that Windsor Castle is in Berkshire close to Eton Collge Go;f Club. So I have registered Eton College as a Golf Hub site.
This has dovetailed nicely with my work for schools - SchoolsUK Which is intended to service Stockport Grammar School with my on-line teachings.
At this time of Covis 19 it is essential that we communicate to our children the on-line tools that are available for fun and education. My site Just for Kids is something that I relax to of nighttime - there are lots of albums of my favorite artists.